Q: What tokens will you have in the game? And what about token supply?
A: Here are the names of the UrbanSpace tokens:
USE — electronics
USM — minerals
USN — energy
USO — oil
The amount of tokens will be defined by the game economy. Basically, we’re planning to release as many tokens as we need to give our players an opportunity to make their economic strategy profitable. But, at the same time, the amount of tokens should stay low enough to make them valuable and financially attractive.
Q: How many epic NFTs do you predict will be released after the 1st sale?
A: It’s hard to calculate this number, especially taking into account that the price is regulated by several factors:
And we certainly shouldn't forget about the value of epic NFTs as digital collectibles.
Q: If there's a lot of epic NFTs after the 1st sale, what will you do to rebalance the situation?
A: We believe that it's not fair to change anything after the players have built their own economic and ROI strategy. But we will equip the game with new resources and mechanics to provide a welcoming entrance to the new players and keep it valuable for our early supporters.